Making America Grate
Welcome to the construction site for Making America Grate! This CD (when completed) explains the American political scene in all its marvellous complexity.
Listen to how it all began...
STuipdism On The Rise
Listen to How it all began… Right Here
Follow The Money
To discover the TRUE BASE for Making America Grate” Follow the advice in this song.
Tea Party Patriot
What motivates supporters for Making America Grate? The answer?
And, who is the woman MOST FEARED by Donald Trump? Who was among the last rats to desert his sinking White House? Why it’s…
A Fairy Tale with a HAPPY ENDING.
By: Jack Godwin
There once was a Republic of Rodents, ruled by two gangs of CATS.
Cats prey on mice naturally, so with a HUGE rodent majority the Cats
“scratched off” democracy.
“Our CATegory is a republic, our freedom is based on laws. We’ll
defend that precious freedom with the claws beneath our paws.
Our system’s working PURR-fectly, Mice, just enjoy your “Liberty”.”
So these…Fat Cats scratched each other’s backs and the mice didn’t
grow concerned. ‘course..
In olden times if mice DID ‘squeak up’, they got trapped, killed or
burned. AND…
Times were good, all the experts said “Mouse Paradise” lay…just
Paradise for MICE! “Any day now!’ Rodents thought THIS was the cat’s
meow. So…
The cat gangs ruled an’ the mice stayed fooled watching media faked
by the Rats. Full of…
Terror tales ‘bout ‘Vermin streaming in’ and all the mouse…disaster stats.
Get prepared! Be very scared!, It’s coming…Judgment Day! This
Rat advice kept the ignorant mice slaving their l ives away. OH there
Feline fun! Napping in the sun, (lot’sa) cream and pussy for everyone.
Yeah…Felines purred and lazed away BUT mouse holes were boarding
up every day. Yet…
Fat cats YAWNED at “mouse rights’. Mouse rights just didn’t matter
So when the bad times hi t THE MICE got bit but the cats got fatter and
“We’ve been Mousetrapped! too meek to squeak.”, even Blind mice
began to see.
How running through a feline-friendly maze had brought
This discovery caused a CATaclysmic mouse epiphany.
“Tame Tabbies won’t give change a try, what about a Wild Cat?” and
then OOOH……..the fur began to fly!
A big orange tabby with “teeny tiny paws” CATapulted to the to the top
of this Rodent Republic.
“Al l the cheese you please!” proved… an empty tease--yet he was
LOVED by his poleCAT public.
He chased little white balls outside most days, he lapped up praise in a
CATatonic haze.
Didn’t follow laws but LOVED to get his paws on pussies he met “tomcattin’”
He yowled all night about the “UNFAIR world” from his Penthouse
above Manhattan.
But…He couldn’t herd the House Cats, all THEY passed was catnip
for the rich.
To the desperate mice on very thin ice, this was not a winning pitch!
They were finally aware Cats didn’t care! Feline leadership…was
SO…To end this scourge rodents got the urge to go MOUSE leader
shopping. The…
CATalyst for change…Millennial Mice spreading the news on Mouse
Rodents realized they’d been TOOK, and that the fat Orange Tabby
was a total crook! So…
To these empowered mice, it seemed the very BEST advice was “End
Feline power”!
Sheath al l claws pass Rodent Laws, have mice seize the hour!
“Rodent Rule for Rodents!” They rallied to that theme. Ditching the
cats and their media Rats, became every mouse’s dream!
Their hash tag was #mouse power! Al l soon mobilized and YES, the
Mice finally won their freedom and a CAT-LESS paradise!
Oh this Tale of the Rodent Republic, might or might not be true, but
here’s a TRUTH…from a children song, I’d like to share with you.
The moral to this story ALL mice should file away: Church mice, field
mice, straight mice and gay
Stand strong for Mouse Power, defend it in EVERY way. OTHERWISE
The cats come back...on the very next day!
What Has PuTIN Got?
Of course the BIGGEST question is this one!
Google Ads says this video is TOO SHOCKING to accept advertising. Brakeman Jack sees a political motive in this censorship. Decide for yourself!
Read the SHOCKING Lyrics!
By: Jack Godwin
What has Putin got? I wonder…What does Putin know?
A secret from the past, or not that long ago?
A “reminder” (“souvenir”) of some visit?
Probably harmless…OR is it!? Oh…
What has Putin got? What does Putin know?
A “Honey Trap” get’s laid with a love bird for bait,
A golf trip, a bar room chat, a late-night date.
Our Eagle hits on a birdie it’s a hole-in-one chance! Y’see
A “Star” knows he don’t need to keep it in his pants.
This Do-do bird is dumb enough to risk the chance
His swallow…might be filming their Stormy romance?
What has Putin got? I wonder…What does Putin know?
A secret from the past or not that long ago?
Do you think he’d care to share
What he has on…“Ol’ Orange Hair”?
What has Putin got? What does Putin know?
Believe me! Dark money sloshes around the world, it’s true!
Buying votes, buying power, lurking out of view.
A trillion Russian rubles were stolen away, buying…
One percent living, that’s the Oligarch’s way! Dirty
Money got laundered in the U.S.A. Maybe…
Some got washed in Mar-A-Lago Bay? Tell me…
What has Putin got? I wonder…What does Putin know?
A secret from the past or not that long ago?
It might be weird or funny. Or it might…
STINK of Dirty Money.
What has Putin got? What does Putin know?
Yes… Putin’s toy poodle, knows how to heel.
Was he caught in the art of some shady deal?
At a Gala honoring some Trumpeted tower
Might he have been drenched in a “Golden Shower”?
With his… Passion for ratings, when FILM comes to light,
He’ll have a blockbuster mega-hit…overnight.
What has Putin got, I wonder…what does Putin know?
A secret from the past or not that long ago
Might the Secret be a reason, to talk of treason
What has Putin got, Oh, what does Putin know?
Back Story
In the summer of 2018 America’s Attack Dog aggressively bit old friend Canada with steel tariffs. In September at Helsinki, confronting Vladimir Putin—provided with FBI evidence of Russian election meddling—the Attack Dog became a lap dog! Why? What power did the Russian President have over this “Siberian Candidate” that loyal Ally Canada lacks? “What Has Putin Got?” resulted from research into this question.
LOCAL CONNECTIONS made this video possible
-Singer songwriter Brakeman Jack lives in Naramata B.C.
-Musical arranger (and master musician) Craig Brown lives in Peachland B.C.
-Animator Jesse Stasiuk was raised in Penticton but now lives and works in Kelowna.
With a genuine mystery to examine, a killer song and creative animation Brakeman Jack had a small budget to buy Google Ad space as the next Political Dog Fight approaches. The hope was create an “ad buzz” that might project the video into wider viewership.
Despite the fact that the video contains no more nudity or violence than you’d see at a boxing match and the most shocking on screen action is a small dog peeing on a boxer’s boot—Google Ads banned Ads from being attached to the video citing SHOCKING CONTENT!
Brakeman Jack sent this “censorship” angle to the TV Station with the heading LOCAL STORY, INTERNATIONAL IMPLICATIONS. The guy there said, “No wonder Google Ads wouldn’t accept your business! The shocking part is where the prostitutes pee on The President.”
“But that act is never depicted happening!”, says Jack. “If a video shocks by what it DOESN’T show...isn’t that a sign of effective story telling?
“Good luck!”, said the guy at the TV Station.
A creative investment down the drain!